Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fun with Photoshop

I joined in on a fun blogging task over at
everyday elements online.
To edit a provided image however I would like.

Here is the original.

And here is what I came up with. 

I used atleast 2 textures, coffeeshop's perfect portrait action and a few others that I can't remember.
I was just playing with it so much I kinda lost track :). But I like it!

Here is the link to the "challenge" and where you can see the original sooc.
Show your Skills at Everyday Elements

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloweenie!!!

My son's pumpkin he carved.

My son Chewy/Wolfman... He couldn't decide which he was. :)

A Gift for Bella's Teacher or (I ♥ Photoshop)

On Bella's last day of school her teacher was so sad to see her go that she was crying. I had made her teacher a scarf as a gift, but I thought this just might make her day. So now I am sending this to her. I am going to print another to hang in Bella's room when we move. :)

This was made possible by the wonders of photoshop and my FAVORITE blog  The Coffee Shop Blog !!!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Enjoying Japanese Treats

My daughter was born in Okinawa and pretty much LOVES all Japanese foods. So when we found some interesting looking sweets, she dove right in!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Exploring Okinawa (Hamahiga Island & more)

This seriously looked like it was made of wood!

Side of the road by the sugarcane farms.

Fishing nets all in a row.

I couldn't resist these nets all lined up like this!

The bridge to Hamahiga.

Just a ledge.

Sugarcane farm.

My feet :)

These are just a few that I edited as soon as we got home.
 Hopefully I will have more to share soon. :)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

American Village in Okinawa

Oki does rock!

Real chrysamthymums in my passion fruit chrysanthymum tea.
My friend Amy said this looked like Diagon Alley. :)

Landmark of American Village.

Store sign.

Restaurant sign. Love it!

Unsure of why this headless fountain is peeing on a dog and two ducks.
But this photo seems less offensive in black & white. lol

Another view of the huge ferris wheel.

These were taken in American Village in Okinawa on a kidless girls day out. :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

We've got a Teenager in the House!

Happy Birthday C!!!


Sandy B

Collecting some shells

Sand princess

Night time at the camp grounds

Obligatory flip flop beach shot :)

Monday, August 16, 2010


door knocker at the Chinese Gardens in Okinawa

T at Comprehensive Park

B & T feet in the sand

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Fam at Confidential Park

For some reason this looks like an album cover to me.
Anyway, I like it!

When we moved to Okinawa in 2005, T had just turned 4.  We really liked going to Comprehensive park to play and feed the fish.  Being 4, he couldn't quite remember the name of the park, so everytime I said, "We're going to the park.", he would say, "Can we go to Confidential Park?".  Cracked me up everytime!
Shhhh...we're going to that CONFIDENTIAL Park!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer Vacation Has Begun!

                          Can you tell she's 3???

He cracks me up!

Dear C,
Stop growing up so fast!